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Christopher A. Faraone [12]Christopher Athanasious Faraone [1]
  1.  60
    Binding and Burying the Forces of Evil: The Defensive Use of "Voodoo Dolls" in Ancient Greece.Christopher A. Faraone - 1991 - Classical Antiquity 10 (2):165-205.
  2.  46
    Hipponax Fragment 128W: Epic Parody or Expulsive Incantation?Christopher A. Faraone - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (2):209-245.
    Scholars have traditionally interpreted Hipponax fragment 128 as an epic parody designed to belittle the grand pretensions and gluttonous habits of his enemy. I suggest, however, that this traditional reading ultimately falls short because of two unexamined assumptions: that the meter and diction of the fragment are exclusively meant to recall epic narrative and not any other early hexametrical genre, and that the descriptive epithets in lines 2 and 3 are the ad hoc comic creations of the poet and simply (...)
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  3.  34
    Aristophanes, Amphiaraus, Fr.29 (Kassel-austin): Oracular Response or Erotic Incantation?Christopher A. Faraone - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (02):320-.
    A hexametrical couplet from Aristophanes' lost Amphiaraus has in the past been interpreted as a fragment of an oracular response.
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  4.  28
    Taking the "Nestor's Cup Inscription" Seriously: Erotic Magic and Conditional Curses in the Earliest Inscribed Hexameters.Christopher A. Faraone - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (1):77-112.
    This essay argues that the Nestor's Cup Inscription is not a joke, but rather a magical spell designed to work as an aphrodisiac. It is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the hexametrical couplet and the second with the opening line. In the first section the author argues that the hexameters comprise a bonafide magical incantation, pointing out that: the two hexameters take the semantic form of a conditional curse well known from oaths and proprietary inscriptions of the (...)
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  5.  14
    A Copper Plaque in the Louvre : Composite Amulet or Pattern-Book for Making Individual Body-Amulets?Christopher A. Faraone - 2017 - Kernos 30:187-220.
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  6.  22
    A Greek Magical Gemstone from the Black Sea.Christopher A. Faraone - 2010 - Kernos 23:91-114.
    Une gemme en agate peu étudiée provenant d’Anapa, datée de la période impériale, présente un grand intérêt, dans la mesure où elle diffère de la plupart des gemmes magiques par sa forme sphérique, sa grande taille et son contenu : elle commence par une référence aux rituels traditionnels grecs d’expulsion et se termine par une liste des parties de la tête humaine semblable à celle que l’on trouve dans un manuel médical hippocratique. La gemme ne serait pas une amulette, comme (...)
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  7.  14
    Inscribed Greek Thunderstones as House- and Body-Amulets in Roman Imperial Times.Christopher A. Faraone - 2014 - Kernos 27:257-284.
    La réutilisation des haches néolithiques (également appelées « celts » ou « pierres de foudre ») comme des amulettes à l’époque romaine est aujourd’hui sous-estimée. En conséquence, la date ancienne des deux petits exemples inscrits du British Museum (BM nos 1* et 504) est maintenant remise en doute, en raison d’une évaluation négative qui découle de l’utilisation insuffisante de comparanda. En comparaison avec le corpus croissant de pierres magiques, les médias de ces deux petites haches (jadéite ou serpentine), leur poli (...)
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  8.  53
    Magical and Medical Approaches to the Wandering Womb in the Ancient Greek World.Christopher A. Faraone - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (1):1-32.
    The idea that the womb moved freely about a woman's body causing spasmodic disease enjoyed great popularity among the ancient Greeks, beginning in the classical period with Plato and the Hippocratic writers and continuing on into the Roman and Byzantine periods. Armed with sophisticated analyses of the medical tradition and new texts pertaining to the magical, this essay describes how both approaches to the wandering womb develop side by side in mutual influence from the late classical period onwards. Of special (...)
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  9.  16
    Molten wax, spilt wine and mutilated animals: Sympathetic magic in near eastern and early Greek.Christopher A. Faraone - 1993 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 113:60-80.
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  10.  12
    Stationary Epithalamia in Hexameters? The Evidence from Sappho, Theocritus, and Catullus.Christopher A. Faraone - 2020 - American Journal of Philology 141 (3):317-348.
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    Simaetha got it right, after all: Theocritus, idyll 2, a courtesan's pantry and a lost greek tradition of hexametrical curses.Christopher Athanasious Faraone - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):650-663.
    Theocritus divides his second Idyll into two roughly equal sections, each punctuated by ten refrains: in the first half, a courtesan named Simaetha describes an ongoing erotic spell that she and her servant are performing and at the same time she enacts it by reciting a series of short similia-similibus incantations; in the second half, she speaks to Selene in the night sky and tells her the story of her brief affair with and betrayal by a handsome young athlete named (...)
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  12.  19
    The stanzaic architecture of isidorus, hymns 2 and 4.Christopher A. Faraone - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):618-632.
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  13.  30
    The Undercutter, the Woodcutter, and Greek Demon Names Ending in -tomos (Hom. Hymn to Dem 228-29).Christopher A. Faraone - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):1-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Undercutter, the Woodcutter, and Greek Demon Names Ending in -tomos (Hom. Hymn to Dem 228-29)Christopher A. FaraoneEarly in the homeric Hymn to Demeter, the disguised goddess, when offered employment as a nurse for a young child, responds with the following boast about her knowledge of protective magic (lines 227-30):1228 M: Ignarra, DelatteI will nurse him, and I do not expect—through any weak-mindedness of his nurse—that witchcraft or an (...)
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